Monday, November 29, 2010

I am Blessed: A Post of Thank You's

I have been truly blessed in my life and during this experience to have such an amazing support system. There are many, many people that gave me advice, let me cry to them, and simply encouraged me throughout this time. Hopefully, I will not forget anyone in this very important entry. This is bound to be pretty long, so feel free to scroll down to your name if you don't want to read about everyone else. Also, I am sure not everyone mentioned in this post will read this, but you can believe that I told them in person how much I appreciate them.

Jodi Chesbro- I could not have wished for a better mentor. You are exactly the kid of teacher I hope to be some day and I feel so lucky to have worked with you. Thank you for all of your support and encouragement, not to mention your friendship. I could not have done this without you and I am forever thankful to you for that.

Fred Lugo- Thank you for making me part of the Bales family pretty much as soon as I arrived. You are such an amazing principal and I hope to work with you again some day. I appreciate your support and your willingness to be flexible in order to make my student teaching successful.

Michelle Bjorklund- Thank you for giving up your classroom to me and for being so flexible. I honestly would have quit if I was in your position. I do not know how you are able to keep going with a smile on your face, but I truly enjoyed working with you.

Shauna Hall- Thank you for being my friend and walking with me every day during our prep to the office. I would not have survived this if I did not have you to complain to and laugh with every day. I hope you can survive without me. Haha.

Katie Preston- Thank your for sharing your house with me for the past four months. I loved living with you and appreciate all that you have done for me. I am so thankful I was able to share this experience with you and get advice from you along the way. Oh, and thanks for providing motivation for me to complete my field notes and lesson plans on a weekly basis.

Cornell English and Education departments- I really want to list professors individually, but that would take too long. I am thankful that I have such amazing professor that have taught, inspired, supported, and encouraged me throughout my education here. Whenever people ask me what my favorite thing about Cornell is (besides the block plan), my answer is always my professors. I would not be who I am today without you.

Cornell Fellows Program/Haffke- I am thankful I attend a school that believes in their students and wants to provide them with opportunities that they would not have without the financial support. I would not trade this experience for anything and I am forever thankful to the Fellows program and Haffke (the alum who donated money for me to do this).

Casey Daugherty- I know I haven't been your student in four years and I haven't even seen you in about a year, but you are one of the main reasons I ever pursued teaching. You continue to inspire me and I am continually thankful for everything you have done for me. I honestly would not be here if it wasn't for you. Thank you for that.

My friends- I could list people individually, this post is already long enough and all of you know who you are. Thank you for always putting up with when I get stressed out and ridiculous. For allowing me to call you and cry or listening to all of my boring teaching stories. Thank you for encouraging me to apply to this in the first place and understanding when I was too busy to talk. Even though you were all far away from me, I never would have gotten here or made it through without you guys.

My family- It would not be a thank you post without thanking my family. Thank you for supporting me and never holding me back from what I have wanted to do. Thank you for your love and encouragement. I know it has been difficult letting me go to school out of state and even further away for student teaching, but I never would have done it if I knew you couldn't handle it. Thank you for listening to me cry and telling me that I was being too hard on myself. Thank you for seeing the things in myself that I have never been able to see.

If I forgot anyone, I am truly sorry. It is not because I love you any less, but simply because this was long list.

Now, the final question remains as to what will happen to this blog now that I am done student teaching. Well, the answer is that I do not know. I could say that I will promise to keep posting about various things, but if I say that, I am far less likely to actually do it. When I am feeling inspired and have the time to do it, I will post again. Until then, I love you and thanks for everything.

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog. Are you planning to keep it up? Give me a call--985-807-3312. I do a family Thanksgiving--would love for you to come and connect with your cousins.
