Well, the end of fall break is here. I am back in Arizona and putting off writing lesson plans for tomorrow. Being at Cornell was beyond wonderful; it felt so right being back on campus. Being away has been so much harder than I thought it would be and I look forward to January when I will be back full time. It was great seeing all of my friends and my professors as well. My professors really gave me a lot of encouragement and compliments that helped me to remember why I am here in the first place, which is something I desperately needed.
There are only five and a half weeks left of my student teaching. Right now, going back to school tomorrow sounds like the worst thing I could possibly do, but I know once I get back into the swing of things, it will feel normal again. I also know that these five and a half weeks will go by so quickly and then I will start missing my kids once I am back at Cornell.
Tomorrow, I am going to take over all of the English classes. This is where student teaching becomes even more stressful and I am in full on teacher mode all day everyday. I am hoping that starting after fall break will give us a "clean slate" with the kids and I won't have to struggle too much with them. I am planning on treating tomorrow pretty much like the first day of school in order to set ourselves up successfully for the rest of my time here. So, here's the next five and a half weeks! Bring it.
Oh, it's already been brought. ;) Best of luck!